Our Mission
Our children at the Maui Ocean Center in 1998, where they learned that sea turtles die of malnutrition because they eat the cigarette butts people throw on the ground, which then wash into the ocean. So field strip those cancer sticks and dispose of the butt properly. Or, better yet, quit smoking so the rest of us don’t have to subsidize tobacco companies by paying for your cancer treatments.
At Supak.com we have two missions, both of which are based on the maxim that willful ignorance is the most powerful force in the universe. Since people who choose to be or remain ignorant are, by definition, incapable of being educated about whatever it is you’re trying to educate them about, we have decided that we spent far too much of our lives banging walls against their heads.
We finally came to the conclusion that there are two ways to deal with the willfully ignorant. The first is to take their money by getting them to be willfully ignorant in prediction markets like Intrade and Predictit. This not only makes prediction markets smarter (which they pay you for), it also takes money from people who most certainly would’ve done something stupid with it (like give it to the Republican party, or pay a mechanic to remove the catalytic converter from their vehicle).
The other way to deal with the willfully ignorant is to sell them a product that is good for the planet. We found that almost everyone loves beef jerky, and we found that grass-fed beef (which is better for you, the animals, and the planet) makes the best tasting gourmet beef jerky. So, we make what we think is greatest beef jerky you’ll ever taste.
And yes, even conservatives will fork over their money for it!
US Highway 20, aka the Cherry Valley Turnpike, near historic Cherry Valley and Cooperstown, New York.